Graduated in Physics, he worked long time in solid state physics as an expert of complex systems. Nowadays can be considered a ‘Designer for the experience’: expert in the technology-enhanced learning, interaction design, computer-mediated communication, design and management of processes, process and product innovation, ecosystems monitoring and benchmarking. Since 2015 is the President of ASLERD (Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development). It has been the Scientific Director of the Creative Industries Area at the Consorzio Roma Ricerche from 2013 till 2016.
He is member of the Dept. of History, Cultural Heritage, Education & Society of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he is chair of the ISIM_garage (Interfaces and Multimodal Interactive Systems), a research lab devoted to design and development of TEL-environments, tools and methods for education, interaction design, and more.